Booking your moderation for programmes
Step 1: Register your learners
First, you must register your learners through the learners section of the ASDAN website. Here you can add new learners, search, view and edit existing and remove learners.
If you would like any guidance on how to register and use learners, please view our learners explained guidance document.
We will check your balance at the point of certification as we do now, and if there aren’t enough valid books in hand, we will invoice you at that point. If you would like to check your balance of programmes learner registrations, please email
Step 2: Book moderation meeting or postal moderation
- To book moderation, visit the Moderations page
- Select Book moderation
- Select the cohort, moderation dates and number of learners
- Click request a moderation
- You can either find the moderation listed on the Moderations page or navigate to it from the 'Upcoming moderations' tab of your cohort
Your booking is now complete.
Step 3: Add learners
Once you have booked your moderation, you must add your learners to the moderation by the specified deadline date.
- To add a cohort to this moderation, visit the Moderations page
- Click View moderation
- Select Add cohort to select a cohort to add to this moderation
- You can remove cohorts on the selected moderation page
- To add learners to this moderation, visit the Moderations page
- Select Assign learners to submit learners for moderation
- Check you have selected the correct learners for moderation, and unselect learners you are not entering for moderation
All learners linked to a moderation should have their units confirmed and assigned after all units have been assessed and internally moderated.
After the deadline, we will email confirming the portfolios you must bring to the moderation meeting or post to your ASDAN relationship manager for external moderation. In the case of postal moderation, we will provide an address to send sample portfolios.
Information and support
ASDAN’s Centre Support team is here to answer any questions you may have in relation to booking moderation or your balance of programme learner registrations.
Please email or phone 0117 954 8316.
You can also contact your ASDAN relationship manager for support.